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If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
~James Herriot


National Pet Day was founded in 2006 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige, to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and to create public awareness about the plight of many different kinds of animals awaiting a forever home in shelters and rescues all around the globe. For more information about Colleen, please click here.


{A quote from our founder, Colleen Paige}

"I believe all animals are sentient beings that deserve our love and compassion...even not-so-cuddly animals like reptiles and rats. No animal should ever have to suffer, especially at the hand of humans. MILLIONS of unwanted animals perish every day, due to just that....being "unwanted". I'd like to ask animal lovers everywhere to pledge to give at least $5 a month to their favorite animal shelter or rescue to help support animals in need."



10 Ways to Celebrate National Pet Day!

1. Adopt a pet from your local shelter or pure breed rescue organization.

2. Volunteer at your local shelter and offer to care for the animals.
3. Donate blankets, food and toys to a favorite animal welfare organization.
4. Organize a peaceful demonstration in front of your community pet store that sells pets from puppy or kitten mills.
5. Have a National Pet Day party and celebrate all your pets!
6. Spend the day taking photos of your pets and then post them on our Facebook page!
7. Assist an ill, elderly or a financially struggling neighbor or friend by purchasing pet food, hay or needed items for their pets.

8. Purchase a National Pet Day Tee Shirt (or other gift item) here, to express your devotion to all animals.
9. Buy your pet a fun new toy....or two...or five.
10. Hire a professional pet photographer for a fun photo shoot.

Please help to stop the overpopulation of unwanted
animals by spaying & neutering your pets!

Contact Us!

Image by Brooke Cagle
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