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Specially-abled Pets Day {formerly Disabled Pets Day} celebrates these amazing and heroic animals, helps to educate the public about caring for disabled pets and find homes for orphaned, specially-abled pets. Founded in 2006 and internationally embraced, the decision was made to change the name when founder, Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Rescue Advocate, Colleen Paige felt that it just didn't fit. "The name held too negative a connotation, said Colleen, because these pets are very able! Pets that become challenged due to disease, birth flaws or injuries, tend to develop greater senses than your average pet. Most of the time, it's as if they never had to readjust to life...and we need to keep up with them!"


Celebrated nationally and internationally on May 3rd annually, National Specially-abled Pets Day encourages adoption always and for people who would like to bring a new furry family member home, to consider a specially-abled pet.

Ways to Celebrate

  1. Follow and like our social media pages.

  2. Share and retweet any specially-abled pets you see for adoption, to help them get the most exposure. 

  3. Donate to rescues that specifically care for specially-abled pets.

  4. Adopt a specially-abled pet if you can. 

  5. Volunteer to care for specially-abled pets at local rescues.

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Share your Specially-Abled Pet with us for a possible feature! Email one photo only with a brief description of your pet for a possible feature. Don't get discouraged if you don't hear from us for a while, as we get oodles of email! We'll do our best to respond as soon as possible. If you haven't heard from us within a couple months, feel free to send us a message on Facebook.

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